2010 access undertaking (UT3)

Past review

Approved access undertaking

Aurizon Network’s 2010 access undertaking came into effect on 1 October 2010 and was replaced by the 2016 access undertaking on 11 October 2016.

The access undertaking sets out the process required for an access seeker to negotiate access to the infrastructure, and how any disputes in relation to access are to be resolved.

Aurizon Network is obliged to undertake a number of activities in accordance with its undertaking, some of which require the QCA’s approval (e.g. annual approval of capital expenditure, revenue cap adjustments and reference tariff variations).

Aurizon Network can seek to amend an approved undertaking by submitting a draft amending access undertaking, in accordance with the process set out in the QCA Act. 

Aurizon Network can seek to vary its approved access undertaking at any time by submitting a draft amending access undertaking (DAAU) to the QCA, in accordance with the QCA Act.

We considered a number of DAAUs during the regulatory period that  proposed to amend Aurizon Network’s 2010 undertaking.

In addition, we also considered some other variations required by the undertaking itself.


Draft amending access undertakings

Extension DAAUs



Blackwater electric traction pricing DAAUs


Access undertaking variations

Alternative standard access agreements

Standard rail connection agreement

Proposed incentive mechanism

We monitored Aurizon Network’s ongoing compliance with its 2010 approved access undertaking.

In a number of cases, Aurizon Network was obliged by its undertaking to seek annual approval of certain matters from us (e.g. capital expenditure, revenue cap adjustments and reference tariff variations).

In other cases, ad hoc requests from Aurizon Network for approval of matters required by the undertaking, were assessed by us.


Revenue cap adjustments

Annual reference tariff resets

Reference tariff adjustments

Alternative access charge

Regulatory audits

Regulatory asset base roll-forward

Cost allocation manual

Condition-based assessments

Capital expenditure

Proposed access conditions: Wiggins Island rail project

System rules

Customer voting

Transfer fees