Aurizon Network's 2014 draft access undertaking

Aurizon Network has today withdrawn its 2013 Draft Access Undertaking (2013 DAU), and submitted a revised proposal as its 2014 Draft Access Undertaking (2014 DAU) for approval.

The 2014 DAU sets out Aurizon Network’s proposed general terms and conditions for negotiating access for coal train services in the central Queensland coal region.

Aurizon Network said it is committed to working with its customers to provide a streamlined access framework and the 2014DAU is based on consultation and feedback from industry stakeholders in response the 2013DAU.

Once approved, the access undertaking will be the first developed by Aurizon Network as a privately owned business and the fourth in place since access regulation commenced in 2001.

We understand Aurizon Network has been working collaboratively with its stakeholders over recent months to develop its new proposal. Aurizon Network has advised us the 2014 DAU has been amended to address issues raised through this process.

“The QCA has been of the view that a preferred outcome for 2014 DAU was one where Aurizon Network and its customers were largely able to agree the terms and conditions of access,” said QCA Chairman Malcolm Roberts.

“We are encouraged by the co-operation of parties and Aurizon Network’s continued engagement with industry to prepare a proposal that better meets the needs of its customers.

“Unfortunately, the need to consult on, and assess the 2014 DAU proposal will delay the release of our draft decision, which was due to be released at the end of September 2014.

“However, stakeholders have advised they would prefer us to make a decision on the newly submitted 2014 DAU.

“Given the progress made to date, the QCA plans to release a draft decision on revenue aspects of the new proposal in September 2014. A draft decision on remaining matters will be released by the end of 2014,” Malcolm Roberts said.

The assessment timetable has been updated (see overleaf), with a commitment by all parties to finalise the 2014 DAU by June 2015.

Submissions on the newly submitted 2014 DAU are due by 3 October 2014.

Updated proposed timetable (UT4 and 2013 SUFA DAAU assessment)

Indicative Dates
2014 DAU submission 11 August 2014
2013 SUFA DAAU Draft Decision September 2014
UT4 Draft Decision on maximum allowable revenue (MAR) only September 2014
Submissions on UT4 due 3 October 2014
Submissions on 2013 SUFA DAAU Draft Decision due November 2014
Submissions on UT4 Draft Decision on MAR due early December 2014
UT4 Draft Decision
(on policy and pricing principles)
mid-December 2014
Submissions on UT4 Draft Decision
(policy and pricing principles) due
February 2015
2013 SUFA DAAU Final Decision February 2015
UT4 Final Decision on policy, pricing and MAR May 2015
UT4 Final Approval by 30 June 2015
UT4 Commences July 2015

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