Draft decision: Maximum Allowable Revenue

The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) has today issued a draft decision concerning Aurizon Network’s Maximum Allowable Revenue (MAR) for its 2014 Draft Access Undertaking (2014 DAU). The MAR will determine the revenue Aurizon Network is allowed to recover from its customers during the period 2013–14 to 2016–17.

“The draft decision puts on the record the QCA’s assessment of Aurizon Network’s proposed MAR. This assessment may change in light of stakeholders’ submissions and other evidence. A final decision is due to be released in May 2015,” said QCA Chairman Malcolm Roberts.

“The QCA is releasing the draft decision at this time to allow all parties to rigorously test the QCA’s analysis and, where relevant, to provide additional information on contested points. Submissions on the draft decision are invited, with a closing date of 12 December 2014.

“After carefully analysing the information presented in the draft undertaking, stakeholder submissions and independent expert advice, the QCA is indicating that it cannot, at this stage, approve some elements of the draft access undertaking.

“The QCA considers that the MAR proposed by Aurizon Network is too high. On the evidence before us, our draft decision is that a MAR of $3.88 billion would be more appropriate.

“The $3.88 billion is 14 per cent higher, in real terms, than the approved MAR for UT3.

“Releasing a draft decision now enhances the quality of our public consultations and, ultimately, the quality of our final decision,” Malcolm Roberts said.

We are seeking views from interested parties on the draft decision by 12 December 2014. Submissions received in response to the draft decision will be considered by the QCA before making a final decision in May 2015.

The draft decision is available on our website: qca.org.au/2014-DAU

Aurizon Network 2010 Access Undertaking (UT3) governs third-party access to the declared rail transport infrastructure in the central Queensland Coal Network. When, ultimately, we accept the Aurizon Network’s 2014 DAU, the new undertaking will be known as UT4.

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